I saw it has been awhile since I posted, so I thought I'd toss out a quick update. I've come to the realization recently that, in one way or another, I accomplished almost all of my goals/dreams this year. It's a pretty amazing feeling. Because I'm too lazy to go into detail, here are some examples:
- Saw my name in the credits. Not in a movie theater, as I had envisioned it, but on prime-time national broadcast television. It was a good feeling, seeing that.
- Taught. Granted, I was a subbing, but I still got up in front of a classroom and gave it a whirl. And with what's on the horizon, it won't be the last time.
- Got in shape. I lost 45 pounds so far this year. Most of it before summer, at which point I started eating more and working out less. I'm still in good shape, I've only put on two pounds over this entire summer of eating, drinking, and being merry. I think I can knock off another 25 or so before I'm 27.
- Get published. I started off with trying that Examiner thing, which had way too many limits for me. So I started my own local blog/magazine thing here, which led to me becoming a writer for Primer Magazine. I actually have three articles coming out soon with two more already in the works for the winter. It's a blast.
- On a smaller scale, last year I mentioned that moving out of the South and into a city would be great, hoping to make new friends (especially couples), try new things, go out a lot, go to concerts, join an intramural team, and live a more active lifestyle in general. Well, I'm out of the South, still working on the city part, making a ton of new friends (including several cool couples), trying as many new things as possible, going out a bit too much actually, seeing some fantastic concerts, not only played on a team but won a championship, and I can certainly say I've been very active.
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