Friday, January 30, 2009


Updating a blog is not the easiest thing to do when there is really nothing going on in one's life. The job hunt continues, as I have applied to around 25 different places with no luck thus far. I should call the one television station today, but have no idea what to say. "Hi, my name is Pat, have you decided whether or not you're going to hire me yet? I don't want to sound desperate, but I am." I don't know.
Despite the uncertainty of things now, this isn't even what I'm worried about most. My biggest concern right now is what's going to happen after this? If I don't get a TV job, I'll end up with something that pays the bills, which is all fine and dandy, but once Abby leaves there's no way that I will be able to pack up and go somewhere that has jobs for me, such as New York, DC, or LA. I imagine that I'd be stuck inconviencing my parents for a ridiculous amount of time as I struggle to pay off my debt. So, I really hope I get this news job so I can get a decent amount of experience in my field and not waste away in retail or restaurants.
Recently, quite a few of my photos have been garnering interest on Flickr, which is cool. I've mentioned recently how I'd like to spend more time this year on photography, as I feel I have slacked off over the past year or so. The self portrait project has been fun, but I haven't shot on film since May or June and that needs to change. At any rate, here are my top five most interesting photos according to Flickr. You can see a common theme among all but one, which is more than likely popular amongst the perverts in the world.
SpoonyTunes - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver
I think my job search will be relegated to internet searching for awhile. My car is getting low on gas and I'm not too keen on spending too much right now. I'd like to keep my expenses as low as humanly possible as the bank account now only has two digits before the decimal. However, I do need to open a bank account down here, so maybe I'll take care of that and then remain parked here for awhile. I was really counting on a museum pay today, but apparently that is next Friday. Perhaps I'll need it more then anyway.
For a more upbeat update, LOST has been absolutely fantastic so far this season. Learning more about the island's history, Widmore, and connections between characters has been awesome. It took me over an hour to get to sleep after the most recent episode. LOST and Harry Potter are a testament to how much I enjoy a story that is well-told with a keen attention to detail.